Standing in front of the Gosnell clinic a black abortion abolitionist reads: “Abortion is the number one killer of black people, killing more black people than all other deaths combined…there are many of us who have forgotten what THE DREAM was all about…make no mistake: abortion is a civil rights issue!”
3801 Lancaster is a documentary written and directed by David Altrogge. It became the center of discussion on Anderson Cooper 360 last Friday evening. This well produced piece looks at the Kermitt Gosnell fiasco in vivid detail, giving us glimpses into the trial, the characters, the victims and the response of people who live around the clinic–including a group of black modern day abolitionists who rise as voices in the misty darkness of this horrible ordeal.
This morning, David and his team wrote this on their blog:
Last night we took a moment of silence from discussing the Gosnell case in honor of those who died in Boston.
Today, we will resume our conversation about what happened in Philadelphia. Why? Because people have value. We must never forgot those who died, both in Boston, at the hands of a bomber, and in Philadelphia, at the hands Kermit Gosnell. If we don’t talk about what happened, we will forget. And if we forget, it will happen again.
Tell Your Friends About 3801 Lancaster Ave
We highly recommend you take time to view 3801 Lancaster–and recommend you pass it on to others.This is a powerful documentary that doesn’t simply address the facts, it raises deeper questions. The website for the project is 3801lancaster.com It is the start of a conversation that its producers hope will continue, so this will never happen again. Below is this 15 minute film that we rate MUST SEE: