empowering womenHalf The Sky: Read The Book And Watch The DVD

When we launched Justice For Youth over two years ago, I was eager to make up for lost time and learn everything I could about human trafficking: the statistics, the stories and the root causes. One of the very first books I read was “Half The Sky” by Nicholas Kristof and his wife Sheryl WuDunn. Together this couple traveled extensively to see for themselves the persecution and oppression that women were experiencing and to journal it. The book, named to bring attention to the assault that is taking place on half of the world’s population, is the result of their discoveries. The subjects of the book are beautiful, disarming girls, and when I read of their plight, I could connect with their pain as I could with my mother, my sister, my daughters, my wife. The stories of gendercide and abuse are heart rending. But I finished the book with a sense of hope that something can be done if we are willing to pay the price.

Gendercide is a real.  (We all would do well to define gendercide as an attack on our mother.) The War On Baby Girls is real. Sex trafficking is rampant and growing globally.  Half the Sky by Kristof puts a very articulate and in depth focus on the problem. The target: girls of every age. We must speak out. We must hold government officials accountable. We must pray. We must be aware of what is going on around us. Some of us must go to these places and do what we can to relieve the pain and set things right.

If you haven’t read the book “Half The Sky” and don’t feel you have the time to do so, then by all means watch the two part series of the same name which was produced last Fall. It is available on Netflix—WATCH IT! If you are not a Netflix subscriber, then purchase the DVD. We have linked it on the sidebar for your convenience.

Here is an excellent intro to get you started:


John Nielsen is a social entrepreneur who, having served all of his adult life championing young people on four continents, is now speaking out passionately against global human trafficking. (Copyright 2013– Justice For Youth. All rights reserved.)


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