JUstice Is Coming
Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Is Everyone's BusinessThe Evil That Knows No Borders
Human Trafficking: The Evil That Knows No Borders Human trafficking is an evil that is growing by leaps and bounds globally. It has a strong root system even in the neighborhoods and families of the victims, as reflected in the following report from Vicki, who visited...
Global Human Trafficking Statistics
Human Trafficking Statistics Here is a proportional chart showing the severity of human trafficking globally. 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year. That is 2,200 each day--over 91 people each hour!
Around The World In 60 Days
Justice For Youth launched its first ever summer of service over the months of June and July. Two JFY teams---21 people—-traveled a combined total of 253,942 miles by air and another 8,514 miles by foot for ONE reason: to champion hope for youth at risk across...
Human Trafficking In US Is Growing
Human Trafficking In Us: 50% Are Children Human trafficking is growing at a faster pace globally than any criminal enterprise---and it is is taking root and flourishing in the United States. Human trafficking statistics tell us that roughly half of those trafficked...
Human Trafficking Red Flags
Help Stop Human Trafficking By Being Aware How can you tell if someone in your neighborhood is a victim of human trafficking? Here are a few red flags to look for: Person carries around hotel room keys Person seems to be under the control of another person Person...
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