JUstice Is Coming
Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Is Everyone's BusinessImmigrant Children Are Being Exploited
AGENT: Immigrant Children Are Being Exploited By Cartels, Traffickers and the US Government A US Border Patrol agent blows the whistle on what is happening on the Mexico-US border. Hector Garcia tells CNN that what is happening at the border right now is orchestrated...
Human Smugglers on the US Mexico Border
Thousands of illegal immigrants--most of whom are from Central America--continue to cross the U.S.-Mexico border each day, but there are many who never complete the dangerous journey north because they run out of money. The trip from Central...
Special Report From Thailand
JFY Advocates Stasia and Chelsey, a mother and daughter team, are in Thailand right now, working with Home of the Open Heart in Chang Rai, near the Myanmar (formerly Burma) border. Home of the Open Heart provides a place of refuge for HIV positive children. Chelsey...
JFY Advocates Go to Thailand
Serving At Risk Youth in Chang Rai Justice For Youth Advocates Stasia and Chelsey Nielsen (a mother and daughter team) will be visiting Chang Rai, Thailand for a couple of weeks in May. Their mission: to serve at Home of the Open Heart, a shelter for HIV positive...
Red Flags of Human Trafficking
We live in a world where human trafficking is so prevalent that many of us have no doubt encountered victims and didn’t even realize it at the time. With that in mind, here is a terrific list of things to look for that was posted by Steve Graham of ACT (Against Child...
Forced Into Sexual Slavery By Her “Modeling Manager”
Jillian Mourning was an everyday American girl who was searching for love and acceptance. Her good looks, strong drive to achieve, and trusting disposition made...
New Strategy Brings Reason For Hope
Stop the Demand For Trafficking Human trafficking statistics are not often encouraging. The world of sex trafficking prevention is a dismal arena where reasons for optimism are rare. But yesterday we came upon a positive report from Jeff Fountain of the Schuman...
Superbowl Sex Trafficking Extravaganza
Sex trafficking will be an all out enterprise at the Superbowl this year, according to a story in the New York Post: With Superbowl in Town, Sex Trade's Got Game. The Huffington Post posted a video last month predicting that this Superbowl would be a human trafficking...
Sports Trafficking
Sporting Events and the Sex Industry The Winter Olympics in Russia are just around the corner and the football World Cup in Brazil will be hosted a few months later in 2014. This is a big year for world sports but sadly, it is also a big year for traffickers of the...
Sex Trafficking In San Diego Explodes
Sex Trafficking In the US? Now the Top Cash Source For Gangs in San Diego It's official: Sex Trafficking has surpassed drugs is now the number one gang related enterprise in San Diego County. “They gifted these women,” San Diego Attorney Laura Duffy said....
Home of Hope Texas Seeks Sex Trafficking Shelter
Sex Trafficking In Houston Home of Hope, Texas is a Houston based non-profit that is in the process of building a shelter for sex trafficking victims. Very few such shelters exist in the US, even though sex trafficking of teenagers in the USA is a burgeoning crisis....
Statistics Show Sudden Surge In Children Crossing US Border
Unaccompanied Alien Children ...
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