JUstice Is Coming
Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Is Everyone's BusinessPowerful Message From ENDIT
Seeing Human Trafficking In Action Our friends at EndIt.com have produced a powerful video that demonstrates human trafficking in America is real and on display at big events all across the country. Here is is: httpvh://youtu.be/qMyExi2q-ZI
The European View of Trafficking
Just a few days ago, I returned from touring the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium. A lot goes on behind those walls which greatly shape the future of the European Union and millions of people. Every day, members of Parliament write, propose and legislate laws...
Refugees Trafficked In Thailand
Thailand's "Final Solution" = Human Trafficking Pipeline As far as human trafficking stories go, this is about as bad as it gets. Refugees from Myanmar, escaping to Thailand to avoid religious persecution, are trafficked wholesale by Thai officials. What's worse, they...
Trafficking Typhoon Victims
Predators After The Storm: Trafficking Typhoon Victims As long as there is money to be made off the vulnerable and young, the scourge of human trafficking will not not relent. Moving like a cankerous virus across the globe, these heartless slave traders of the 21st...
Human Trafficking Awareness: Word is Spreading in Moldova
Anti-Trafficking Campaigns in Moldova Schools Vadul Li Sac. Rushu. Krihana. Valeni. Gavanosi. Have you ever heard of these names? Well, they are actually small towns located in the southern part of Moldova where Justice For Youth staff have conducted anti-trafficking...
Operation Underground Railroad
...Glenn Beck The good news is a group of Special Op soldiers--Operation Underground Railroad--are teaming up to do something...
Girls Going Wild In Red Light District
Every year, thousands of girls are promised a dance career in Western Europe...a recent statistic that has come to our attention is that 3 of 4 prostitutes in Western Europe are Russian and Ukrainian. Many are promised a dancing career and end up being trafficked....
13 Year Old Girl Crawls Out Of Grave
A 13 year old girl was raped and buried alive by two men in Pakistan. Cultural myths persist there, including one leading HIV positive men into believing they can be cured through sex with a virgin. Statistic show cases of child rape have risen...
Washington Post: Where Modern Day Slavery Lives
Slavery around the World Thirty million people are trapped in modern slavery, far more than the combined number of slaves who lived and died in the trans-Atlantic slave trade of the 18th and 19th centuries. The Washington Post has written an insightful article on ...
Europe Anti-Slavery Day – October 18, 2013
Today, all over Europe, human dignity activists are celebrating humanity by bringing awareness to modern day slavery. Trafficking has grown to now over 30 million people globally and continues to increase. Europe has become a hot bed for traffickers. The West has the...
Houston A Major Hub For Sex Trafficking
Houston, Texas is a sex trafficking thoroughfare. The average age of those recruited into human trafficking is 13 and their life expectancy is just 7 years, according to this report from CBN.
Ashley Recommends JFY Adopt A School
Ashley On JFY Adopt A School...A remarkable young lady supports our school campaign! She is a real trophy!
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