JUstice Is Coming
Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Is Everyone's BusinessModern Day Slavery In Dubai
Dubai Trafficking Ring If you talk with the police or read government statements regarding the trafficking of persons in the Dubai, officials adamantly contend that human trafficking is not a problem in UAE’s capital city. The unofficial reality is different. Becoming...
Recovery Is Slow But Sweet
Restoring What Is Lost What happens when a young girl is rescued from the underworld world of sex trafficking? First, there is the letting go of the nightmare by the parents and family who have cried their eyes out and worked their hearts out to get her back....
Brothels At The Earth’s Back Door
A Neighborhood of Brothels This article takes our readers to the beautiful city of Perth, Australia. You will find hundreds of tourists walking the central streets of Perth on a daily basis. This modern western city, with its skyscrapers and kangaroo park nearby, is...
Human Trafficking In Ukraine
Human Trafficking In Ukraine, From Ukraine and Around Ukraine Eastern Europe is a major seedbed of international sex trafficking. Many thousands of girls from this region are smuggled across international borders to destinations all over the globe. Far too little is...
Kicking It Up A Notch For Child Sex Trafficking Prevention
US Lawmakers Introduce Child Sex Trafficking Bill Last month, we blogged about a rescue of more than 100 sexually exploited children by the FBI in Operation Cross Country, a nationwide sweep of sex traffickers in the US. Some 150 people were arrested, mostly “pimps”...
Nine Facts About Child Brides
Spotlighting The Child Brides Epidemic This summer millions of people have watched 11 year old Nada al-Ahdal of Yemen passionately state her case on You Tube. Her parents have arranged for her to be married, and she would have none of it. Child brides like Nada are a...
Will You Join Us?
Human Trafficking Bust in Barcelona
People Trafficking Bust Exposes A Spain Trafficking Corridor Police report that dozens of suspected human traffickers are being held in Spain and France, suspected of smuggling Chinese migrants into Europe and United States. This is the second major human trafficking...
Human Trafficking Prevention Campaign in Southern Moldova
Stopping Human Trafficking Before It Starts The Justice For Youth Human Trafficking Prevention Campaign, focusing on schools throughout Moldova, began full-time in Southern Moldova in March of 2013. One school per day has heard the presentation and hung a poster for...
105 Children Rescued From SexTrafficking Ring In Massive FBI Operation
The FBI announced on Monday the arrests of 159 people and the rescue of 105 children (13-17 years old) who were entrapped in sex trafficking rings across the United States. In a 76-city sweep, conducted in just the past three days, representing the largest such law...
Human Trafficking Ring Busted In New Jersey
The Garden State: Home To A Human Trafficking Ring Officials say they have cracked an international human trafficking ring operating in New Jersey that brought women from Mexico and Latin American countries into the U.S. illegally to work as prostitutes, and some of...
Gendercide And Abuse For Half The Sky
Half The Sky: Read The Book And Watch The DVD When we launched Justice For Youth over two years ago, I was eager to make up for lost time and learn everything I could about human trafficking: the statistics, the stories and the root causes. One of the very first books...
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