JUstice Is Coming
Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Is Everyone's BusinessREPORT: Human Trafficking In Georgia and Armenia
"Our girls are being trafficked as we speak," exclaimed a concerned citizen of Armenia working with an international NGO (one of the anti human trafficking organizations in Georgia) in Tbilisi. After 3 days of teaching in Georgia's capital, I've had the privilege to...
JFY Trafficking Prevention Campaign In Full Motion
Human Trafficking Prevention Campaign Getting It Done In The Schools of Moldova Moldova is the poorest country in Europe today. The challenges of the economy have helped to breed all sorts of crime and illegal activity. One of the most horrific crimes of all is the...
3801 Lancaster
3801 Lancaster is a documentary written and directed by David Altrogge. It became the center of discussion on Anderson Cooper 360 last Friday evening. This well produced piece looks at the Kermitt Gosnell fiasco in vivid detail, giving us glimpses into the trial,...
Speaking Up For Those Who Have No Voice
The Gosnell Trial Should Be A Wake Up Call Human Trafficking takes many forms. When profit is generated from the enslavement or destruction of human beings, we must speak out. Justice For Youth is an organization, like dozens of others worldwide, that seeks to...
A Millennial’s Report On Sex Trafficking
Sex Trafficking Examined There is no problem as daunting as the sex trafficking epidemic. Now the second most lucrative organized crime in the world (only drugs is greater), human trafficking takes its greatest toll on "at risk" young people who bear that distinction...
GREAT NEWS: Congress Passes TRPVA
This past week, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to approve the Trafficking Victims Re-authorization Act, extending the groundbreaking human trafficking provisions provided by the bill signed into law by President Bush in January 2006. This law was...
Human Trafficking Now In 118 Countries
According to new United Nations report, human trafficking has expanded to 136 nationalities and 118 countries globally. Roughly 60% of all human trafficking is for sexual exploitation. Human trafficking for forced labor now comprises 38% of all trafficking,...
Underground Human Trafficking Web At Superbowl
Superbowl Sunday has become an American icon of fun with friends and family around the big screen. It is a time to see new, innovative commercials, a football competition between the two best teams in football, and a multimillion-dollar half time show. Few are aware...
Where Is Sarai Sierra?
American Missing In Turkey Was This 33 Year Old Wife And Mother Snared By Traffickers? On January 7th, Sarai Sierra left her husband and children in New York to on a leisurely field trip trip to Turkey. She was due to fly back on January 22nd, but never returned....
Video Safari 2013: Eastern Europe
We at JFY are passionate about fighting human trafficking, mentoring at risk and underprivileged youth and encouraging micro-businesses globally. But we can’t sit back. We know it is imperative that we GO–and we want to bring you with us! So...we are offering a...
Valentine Special: Jewells For Justice
ust in time for Valentine’s Day, treat yourself or your loved one to a handmade piece of jewelry and support Justice For Youth at the same time! Our necklaces were made by women working to fight against...
Women’s Rights From A Different Angle
A great deal of attention has been paid to women's rights as it pertains to the workplace. There certainly is much to be said for that. But what about a woman's right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I was deeply disturbed, as no doubt millions were in...
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