JUstice Is Coming
Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Is Everyone's BusinessNew PBS Series: The Abolitionists
The story of how abolitionist allies William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown and Angelina Grimke turned a despised fringe movement against chattel slavery into a force that literally changed the...
Global Slavery Is On The Rise
150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation, buying and selling people into forced labor is bigger than ever. Slavery--"the total control of one person by another or the purpose of economic exploitation"---is a global epidemic, driven by the same political,...
Human Trafficking & the Prostitution Myth
The Prostitution Myth Exposed Prostitution is an issue that has been greatly misunderstood over the years by most people. This is why I refer to the "prostitution myth." The classical conventional wisdom is that prostitutes sell their bodies for sex because (1) they...
Rwanda’s Remarkable Recovery
It isn't what happens to you that counts, it's how you respond to it. I have heard this many times, and believe it to be true. Crisis can hit any of us any time but hope need not give way to fear. There is always a bright future for those who will carry the right...
How Sex Trafficking Works
Mimi Chakarova’s Defining Moment
Opening Eyes and Changing Minds The human trafficking epidemic is something that most of us have very little understanding of. We read an article or see a news clip, and our curiosity is piqued. Then we watch a movie like “Trade” or read a book like “Not For Sale,”...
Trade: True To Life Trafficking Movie
The movie Trade, starring Kevin Kline (2007), is a riveting, true to life depiction of the human trafficking industry no holds barred. On a number of occasions during my viewing I struggled to contain my emotions and wondered if I could continue watching without...
Sex Trafficking Under The Magnifying Glass
Sex Trafficking Examined Dateline November 5, 2012--the Associated Press "Experts testifying before a new Alaska task force on sex trafficking said Monday the teenage victims often are too afraid and embarrassed, and sometimes too addicted to drugs, to come...
Justice For Orphans
A homeschooling mom in upstate New York has launched an...
Hope For The Brothel Children
Born Into Brothels In the critically acclaimed brothel documentary "Born Into Brothels," photographer Zana Briski goes to a red light district in Calcutta to see for herself what life is like there. Not able to get a genuine glimpse of what was really going on was a...
Introducing UKC Against Human Trafficking
We have been informed by JFY Advocate Dipa Vaya that a brand new group has formed on the campus of the University of Kent in London. This group has participated in the very same Stop The Traffik UN Gift Box campaign that we engaged in during the Olympics. It is great...
Interview With One Of Our Founders
We posed a few questions to Kelly, one of the founders and CEO of Justice For Youth. Kelly is a busy man who travels extensively and has a lot of responsibilities, and we appreciate him taking the time to give some candid answers. JFY: Tell us briefly about yourself....
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